Why is data protection an important aspect of your business?

Why is data protection an important aspect of your business?

Technology is so integrated into day-to-day businesses that people tend to forget that their data is vulnerable and are prone to breaches anytime. Several incidents of ransomware are already pointing towards a weak infrastructure and low awareness about data protection, compelling businesses to invest significantly in data protection solutions. While it is true that data losses result in loss of brand’s credibility, it is also essential to note that the inconveniences caused to the customers are irreversible and fatal in most cases. Hence, businesses must take data protection seriously and make sure that disruptions are a thing of the past.

According to top IT solution providers, reliable Data Protection and backup is the only way to ensure that your business is up and running. It is also found that data protection is considered effective if and only if they facilitate a seamless return to business. To make sure that you have chosen the best data protection solutions, all you have to do is revisit and repeatedly test your recovery plans. Still confused on how to achieve this, continue reading to acquire more insights.

Protecting your data: How critical is data for your business?

In March 2016, a small-time café owner discovered that his POS (Point of sale) system was compromised by ransomware. They were demanding a whopping $10000 bitcoin in return for their data. The team tried in vain to persuade the investigators to go ahead with an investigation. Instead, they were asked to rebuild the entire system or to pay frauds the ransom. The café owner was forced to shut down his business for more than a week, affecting the payment of employees and their overall revenue. After the intense loss, the café had to be rebuilt with their entire IT system developed from scratch.

What did you learn from this scenario? The incident is only one amongst several cases that is haunting small businesses over the years. While large corporations can do away with financial losses, data losses for small businesses mean disrupting their entire operation.

Today, data is your business, and protecting your essential data is equivalent to saving your business. If you have already invested in data protection and a backup plan, ensure that recovery plans enable you to return to business seamlessly.

Still unsure of the efficiency of your data protection and backup plans? Here are a few tips to make the right choice.

Tips for devising a good recovery and data protection plan for your business

A tested recovery plan ensures a suitable business data backup. Large corporations frequently test their recovery plans to ensure compliance, such as HIPAA. As small businesses are also significantly affected, it is recommended to follow the following practices to devise a perfect backup plan.

Understand your business and the vital applications

Recovery plans essentially depend upon your understanding of business and vital applications that keep it running. A test is considered successful if the businesses operate or recover quickly after a fatal crash.

Estimate your disaster expense

If expense is your major roadblock, then consider comparing the recovery cost and the price to implement a full data protection plan. Investment priority is a better way to strategize your backup plans.

Rigorous and continual testing

Compliances in business are never constant. It is important to change with every new development. Hence, experts recommend testing your plans without interrupting the actual production and also maintaining proper paperwork.

A data backup and recovery plan is not just for big corporates who have millions at stake but is also an important practice for smaller businesses who are at far more risk of shutting down if no recovery plans are in place.
